A French Film festival that celebrates disability all over the world. This will be our international debut for My Apocalyptic Thanksgiving. It will be the world premiere May 21-25 in Cannes, Frances. Autism and disabilities film festival highlights their humanity on film all over the world.
The director, David, saw our trailer and was deeply moved. In his words, 'This is exactly the type of film' we want in our festival.
It reflects a modern story that allows an individual with disabilities to have autonomy. Richard Soriano is currently an administrator for a board n care that homes special needs adults. He works with South Central LA Regional Center to empower individuals to be self-directed.
Marcus is a man obsessed with zombies. He watches his favorite TV show with his caregiver, Doris. It's their weekly routine. It's loosely inspired by Richard Soriano and Holly Soriano who would regularly watch the Walking Dead and SAW movies with one of their favorite clients.
Richard and Holly love zombies so much that we even had them on our wedding cake. That's Holly with the shotgun and me with the chainsaw. Zombies scale the wedding cake.
Zombies scale the wedding cake
The trailer and movie have English and French subtitles. sous-titres anglais et français